MARY TILDEN PELTON: Age 66 -Samuel Tilden's sister. Widow of Doctor William Pelton who died two years after they were married leaving her with two small babies to care for. She's four years older than Samuel and the only sister born to his family. She lived with him for 30 years is very protective of him and nursed him back to health many times. She had two children, Col William Pelton and Susan Hazard who also reside at the Tilden estate. Mary is a strong-willed, intelligent and a strong advocate for Women's rights. She is a proper lady of the times, well dressed and classy. She has many socialite friends and attends to every party held at Tilden's Gramercy mansion.
Governor SAMUEL TILDEN: Age 60: Soft spoken and very intelligent. Rarely does he show his sense of humor in public...but will with his closest friends and family. He studied law at Yale, then transferred to New York University where he graduated in 1837.[1] He was admitted to the bar in 1841, becoming a skilled corporate lawyer, with many railroad companies as clients in the shaky railroad boom decade of the 1850s. His legal practice,[2] combined with shrewd investments, made him rich.
His successful service as governor gained him the presidential nomination.
Photo and bio reference:
JOHN BIGELOW: Age 59: Samuel Tilden's best friend, neighbor and confidant. John often listens then advises Samuel. A lawyer and Tilden's Secretary of State. Samuel trusts him completely. He's married with children but the film does not include his family. He's held many high ranking government positions. He was one of Tilden's campaign managers. Wiki article describes his career in detail.
Click on photos to enlarge image.
Abham Hewitt: Age 54: Chairman of the DNC - was a teacher, lawyer, an iron manufacturer, chairman of the Democratic National Committee from 1876 to 1877, U.S. Congressman. He was career minded and years later (1886) was mayor of New York. Being a fairly new Congressman he was somewhat naive' but kept Tilden well informed during the election dispute. Many considered him unpleasant to deal with due to his stubborness.
Chairman of RNC
Chandler, as Chairman of the Republican National Committee, managed Rutherford B. Hayes' successful 1876 campaign for the presidency, though Hayes declined to keep Chandler as Secretary of the Interior probably because of the role he played in stealing Tilden's Presidency.
Governor Ohio - Presidential Candidate
Hayes-Wheeler campaign posterHayes's success in Ohio immediately elevated him to the top ranks of Republican politicians under consideration for the presidency in 1876.[88] The Ohio delegation to the 1876 Republican National Convention was united behind him. and Senator John Sherman did all in his power to bring Hayes the nomination.The convention then selected Representative William A. Wheeler of New York for Vice President, a man about whom Hayes had recently asked "I am ashamed to say: who is Wheeler?"
More on Hayes at:
John Reid: New York Times Managing Editor: Age early 40's
Hates all Democrats - was captured and locked into Andersonville prison during Civil War and conditions were deplorable. He escaped the prison and headed back to NYC. He came up with the scheme to steal the election by electoral college votes from TIlden...He despised the party more than the man because of the Tammany Hall political corruptions. During the reform period the New York Times actually sided with Governor Tilden. Reference article:
President Ulysses Grant: Age 54 - was the 18th President of the United States (1869–1877) and a prominent military commander during the Civil War and post-war Reconstruction. Under Grant, the Union Army.
Orville Babcock: Age 41 - was appointed his Private Secretary--in modern terms, the chief of staff—and served until 1876. In 1869, Grant defended him even though he knew how corrupt he was.
Samuel J. Randall: Age 48 - Speaker of the House - just elected to serve in 1876. He served in the United States House of Representatives as a Democrat from Pennsylvania from 1863 to his death. From 1876 to 1881, he served as the Speaker of the House and played a prominent role in establishing Democratic Party policy. He was considered for the Democratic presidential candidacy in 1880 and 1884.
William Chandler: Age 41 Former Republican Speaker of the House - From Vermont: He served as secretary to the Republican National Committee (1868 - 1876). Harvard Law School. He graduated in 1855 and was admitted to the New Hampshire Bar the same year.
Julia Grant: Age 50 - First Lady - President Grant's wife. Their marriage, often tried by adversity, met every test; they gave each other a life-long loyalty. Like other army wives, "dearest Julia" accompanied her husband to military posts, to pass uneventful days at distant garrisons. After so many years of hardship and stress, she rejoiced in his fame as a victorious general, and she entered the White House in 1869 to begin, in her words, "the happiest period" of her life. With Cabinet wives as her allies, she entertained extensively and lavishly. As First Lady it was suggested to her that she have an operation to correct her crossed eyes, but President Grant said that he liked her that way.
Governor Grover Age 53: Orgeon - A genial, intelligent, and literate individual, Lafayette Grover can be characterized as one with a keen mind, who possessed excellent legal training. His excessive partisanship, however, marred his political career and affected the historical assessment of his achievements as U.S. Representative, Governor and U.S. Senator
George Smith - Age early 30's - Samuel Tilden's private secretary. He is loyal to Tilden and very meticulous and committed to his job.
Celeste Stauffer; Age Late 20's and her mother. Mrs. Stauffer: Age early 60's. Celeste must be able to ride a horse well. Both women are from New Orleans. Good southern accent needed.
Susan Pelton Hazard: Age early 20's - Tilden's neice and Mary's grand-daughter. Quiet and reserved her character is a proper lady of high society.
Col William Pelton Age late 40's - Mary Pelton's son, Susan's father and Samuel's nephew. William is a military man and works hard to please his uncle who is leary of his capabilities.
Lucy Webb Hayes, Age 45: Sprited A vigorous opponent of slavery, Hayes contributed to her husband’s decision to abandon the Whigs for the antislavery Republican Party. During the American Civil War, she visited Hayes often in the field. While her husband was governor of Ohio, she helped establish the state Home for Soldiers’ Orphans at Xenia.
A devout Methodist, she joined the president in saying prayers after breakfast and conducting group hymn sings with the cabinet and congressmen on Sunday evenings.
Fannie Hayes - Age 9 daughter
Scott Hayes -Age 5 - son
Other Cast With Speaking Lines
Note: if reference links are posted photos are available.
Allen Thurman - Age 63 a U.S. Senator -
Tilden's Butler: Age 50's - no references
Edward Cary - reporter - NY Times
John Foord - NY Times Editor
Samuel Tilden's Carriage Driver - no reference
Congressman Conger - from MI - Replace this character with another Republican Congressman- conflicting death dates in reference. Scene takes place in President Grant's office.
Foreign Dignitaries- two of them - Any age - from England.
Can also find under this reference:
Oregon Electors:
W.H. Odell - Age 45
John C. Cartwright - Age 40
John W. Watts - Age 40
Mr. Miller - Age 35
Mr. Parker - Age 35
Governor Edward Noyes: Ohio - Age 44
Manton Marble: Age 42 was a New York journalist. He was the proprietor and editor of the New York World from 1860 to 1876. Was good friends with Samuel Tilden.
Older Hotel Clerk: Age 50's at Fifth Avenue Hotel
Younger Hotel Clerk - Age 20's at Fifth Avenue Hotel
Congressman J. Proctor Knott: Age 46 - Kentucky. Chaired Judiciary committee.
Sarah one of the Socialite's- mid 20's - Tilden's home - Mary's friends. No references.
Other Socialites - mid 20's
Postman - Age 30 - Samuel Tilden's mailman.
John Goode's Congressional Aide: Age 20
James Cameron - Age 50 - President Grant's Secretary of War
General Lew Wallace - Age 49 - Republican
John Sherman - Age 53 - Republican U.S. Senator - Ohio
Prostitute - Age 30's - New York City - one line.
Two Irish Body Guards - Age mid 20's .
Telegraph Clerk - Any age - New York City - Western Union
Electoral Commission Members:
Member Body Party
Thomas F. Bayard (Delaware) Senate Democrat
Allen G. Thurman (Ohio) Senate Democrat
George F. Edmunds (Vermont) Senate Republican
Frederick T. Frelinghuysen (New Jersey) Senate Republican
Oliver Hazard Perry Morton (Indiana) Senate Republican
Josiah Gardner Abbott (Massachusetts) House Democrat
Eppa Hunton (Virginia) House Democrat
Henry B. Payne (Ohio) House Democrat
James A. Garfield (Ohio) House Republican
George Frisbie Hoar (Massachusetts) House Republican
Nathan Clifford* (Maine) Supreme Court Democrat
Stephen Johnson Field (California) Supreme Court Democrat
Joseph Philo Bradley (New Jersey) Supreme Court Republican
Samuel Freeman Miller (Iowa) Supreme Court Republican
William Strong (Pennsylvania) Supreme Court Republican
Tilden Supporters NYC - crowd of 200
Hayes Supporters with Tilden Supporters - OH - crowd of 200
Reporters in each state - OH, NY, FL and DC - 10 (or more) in each
Soliders in DC and FL - 20
Maids and Bultlers - Tildens home - 3
Maids in Hayes home - party scene - 2
Members: 76 Senators-
293 Representatives
8 Non-voting members
Horse Carriage Drivers - 5 in NYC and DC locations - Florida - 2
Extras in FL location - 30 - people around the Capitol - Tallahassee.
Horses - in each location:
New York - 15
DC - 25 - for carriages and soliders
Florida - 10
Ohio - 5
Period Piece film set in 1876 - 1877
New York City
Washington DC
Tallahassee, FL
Script opens in Final Draft 7.1
February 9, 2012
Presidential Electoral disputes upset the 1876 Tilden vs. Hayes election. A screenplay has been posted online free for all to read to celebrate Samuel Tilden’s birthday and President’s day.